Also, if you play the Story Mode, and find hidden spots on certain maps, then you can unlock different Commanders. Like Advance Wars, attacking from behind will cause more damage than attacking from the front. It's a good way to take out tough enemy units without taking much damage yourself, but, it does take all of the turns for the units that were used, which will, of course, leave them vulnerable to be attacked on the opponents next turn. However, if it does survive, then it will ONLY counter-attack the last unit that you had initiate the attack (unless it's a ranged attack that can't be counter-attacked). The unit being attacked can not counter-attack until all of the offensive units make their attack first, which will most likely kill it. You can set up from all 4 sides directly (except the 4 diagonal directions), and including all long range attacks from any unit in range, and when you set the last unit, you tell the last unit to actually fire, and boom, it will have ALL of the units that you set to attack at the same time, to, well, all attack at the same time. Instead, it'll let you get another unit and you can choose to attack, or set up to wait and attack too. In Tiny Metal, you can surround your opponent, and choose the option that allows for group attacks, and it won't fire yet. In Advance Wars, you can't stack your attacks, tho you can surround your opponent, and attack one at a time, with each unit taking counter-attack damage in return. Tho one new feature is that you can attack the same enemy with multiple units at the same time. This game is basically a modern Advance Wars under a different name. The maps looks similar, tho are presented in a more 3D way, as opposed to Advanced Wars 2D style. The strategies used are largely the same. It also has a lot of Skirmish maps to play as well, tho not as many as Advance Wars has. There are similar types of maps, and buildings to capture, and units to build and use, that basically work in the same way. Tiny Metal, like Advance Wars, has a modern-like army, on a grid based map, in a turn-based style. Of the two, WarGroove, or Tiny Metal, I would say that Tiny Metal is a lot more like a direct successor to Advance Wars, while WarGroove is more like a cross between Advance Wars and Fire Emblem. And, since both WarGroove and Tiny Metal have both been called the "Successor to Advance Wars" when they were both released (Tiny Metal released first). That said, have you played Advanced Wars. So I'll leave that game out of this for now. So I'm afraid I can't speak for Into the Breach, tho I've heard good things about it. I just can't personally say, first hand, if I do, as I haven't tried it yet. Sat 6th Jul I haven't played Into the Breach yet, but a friend of mine, who also loves Advance Wars, WarGroove, and Tiny Metal, says that it's good, and that if you like those 3 games (as I do), then you'd like Into the Breach (which he thinks I will).