That’s really all there is to it, it works the same on all versions of iOS and has been tested in both iOS 6 and iOS 7. Syncing starts immediately, exit out of Settings and launch the “Contacts” app to check on the progress, the entire process may take a while for large address books.Enter the following details into the fields, then tap “Next”.Select “Other” and look under “Contacts” to choose “Add CardDav Account”.Open “Settings” then go to “Mail, Contacts, Calendars” and choose “Add Account”.This is done from the iPhone, and will transfer the contacts from Google to the iPhone: Step 2: Sync the Google Contacts to the iPhone
Now that the contacts have been synced between Android phone to Google’s servers, you can now sync the same contacts from Google to the iPhone.
Tap on “Sync Contacts” (or Sync All if you want to sync everything) and let the syncing process complete, this may take a few minutes if you have a very large address book. Open Settings, then go to “Accounts & Sync”, and ten tap on the Google account (side note: if you don’t have a Google account, tap on “Add Account” to set up a new one for this purpose). This step is done from the Android, and will transfer the contacts from the Android to Google: Step 1: Sync the Android Contacts to Google Contacts We’re focusing on Android smartphones and the iPhone, but this process would work the same with Android tablets and the iPad or iPod touch too. Nonetheless, if you don’t you can create one during the process to sync all the contact information to, which can then be retrieved from iOS. You will also need a Google account to be able to do this, which if you have an Android phone you almost certainly already have a google login. Requirements are simple enough: you’ll need access to the Android device and an iPhone. The result is that you’ll have the same contact list synced between both devices, which is great for permanent migration and transferring the contacts over to iOS, but also for temporary transitions between the two mobile operating systems. What you’ll need to do is sync the entire address book from the Android device to Google’s cloud Contacts service, and then use Google Contacts service to transfer them to the iPhone. Moving all contacts from an Android to an iPhone may sound complicated, but it’s actually really easy.