If you are a more general programmer or want to have a lot of features within the user interface, P圜harm may be your choice! In conclusion, for scientific use maybe Spyder is the best free Python IDE (for Windows, Linux, and OS-X). Here I use Spyder but at home, I tend to write in P圜harm. In fact, in the lab where we run Windows 10 computers, I have installed Anaconda (as can be read in the comments, Python(x, y) is no longer maintained).
#Run psychopy on anaconda install
On the other hand, if you are using Windows and don’t want to install a lot of Python packages by your self, Spyder you can choose to install either Anaconda or WinPython. If you are running a relatively new computer and is using Linux (e.g., Ubuntu), P圜harm may be the best (almost) free Python IDE. P圜harm does, of course, offer a lot more features. Okey, which IDE do I think is the best? I think that Spyder, still, is a great IDE. I know that some people find this attractive they don’t have to use the command line. P圜harms have support for VCS systems (e.g., Git and Mercurial) is also a great feature that is in favor for P圜harm. Both distributions come with most of the Python packages that you may need (and probably more than you need!) Thus, you will get a lot of what you need to write code and Spyder in one installation. Anaconda is cross-platform and WinPython for Windows only. Spyder is also part of two great Python distributions, Anaconda and WinPython. If you are a Windows user, you just download an installation file ( Download P圜harm).
#Run psychopy on anaconda how to
In fact, if you are running Ubuntu you can just add a PPA (See here on how to install P圜harm this way) and install P圜harm using your favorite package manager. It is easier to install Spyder (at least in Linux) but P圜harm is not that hard to install. Spyder help/object explorer Spyder vs Pycharm